Window Stories  by Malwa
Window Stories by Malwa
Window Stories by Malwa specialises in designing window displays in extraordinary forms. We put our hearts into the concept and realise the project with great attention to detail by coordinating every stage of the process. It is a never ending story for us - we build, cast, print, paint, mill and install every element. Through design we change the frequently underestimated store windows, native to many buildings. We approach each of our window displays as a story that needs to fascinate. Designing them incorporates and infinite number of themes, which make each project special, magical and surreal. A store window gives us a space of creation that incorporates fantasy and freedom. It is a place where the real world coincides with dreams and magic. We aim for window displays to captivate with their intelligent, beautiful and witty form and representation. It is said that three seconds are decisive whether a window display will intrigue a passer-by. Our projects are designed to intrigue and stay in the memory for much longer. My work telling Window Stories began, following by Retail Design studies at the Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering.