Metro Shoes
Electrified Simplified When you are expanding at the pace Metro Shoes are, you are always faced with multiple challenges. Streamlining your roll out, ensuring every store starts up in time and every cost is optimised while creating the best quality of retail fit out. When you have partnered with them on 100+ projects and you’re asked to provide a solution which provides perfect lighting to every merchandise, add an element of sophistication, create a solution that you can roll out both quickly and is still cost-effective. Insync partnered with design matrix and created this. We used our Engage FNL shop fitting solution and custom built a mechanism to support the metal rings and cubes. We created display configurations that pepper the wall bays with smaller but back lit visual frames and all this is powered from the tracks themselves. The Engage FNL powered tracks embedded in the wall panels provide electricity to the under shelf LED fixtures and Signages ensuring no visible wires while still maintaining the flexibility of moving every display element across the store.