Window of the Week | Polo Ralph Lauren

The smell of spring is in the air and the Polo Ralph Lauren preppy chic windows are wholly embracing the love bugs and crazy daisies.

The womenswear displays are all about fruit and flowers with a vintage touch, together in a marketplace setting. Flowing skirts and berets tie the looks together creating a sense of uniformity even in the unique outfits.

The buttoned up, vintage appeal combines well with modern silhouettes against the backdrop to create the perfect modish look book.

The backdrop for the menswear window is definitely a favorite, and screams prep even louder with its “guys chilling at the laundromat” vibe. Coin operated washing machines are stacked behind the mannequins, with understated apparel in a neutral color palette.

Other Polo Ralph Lauren attire is hung around the space in true laundromat fashion, and completes the overall look and feel. This play on prep stays true to the broader composition of Polo Ralph Lauren and its longstanding affinity to the style.